Monday 25 August 2014


[First, let me say this note is an excerpt version from my book ‘Demystifying the World of Dreams.’ I have removed many portions of it for want of space. To get the full PDF book, you may contact me via my e-mail…  and I will send to you the PDF version via your e-mail address. The book goes for a gift of 10 dollars or more…]

Now, the subject of dreams is one of the most mysterious, least understood and least spoken of subjects in today’s society. But dreams are very powerful and just as important today as they were in times past. Many people ignore their dreams altogether because they are considered to be dark sayings; because they come with a lot of symbolism, many find them either difficult to interpret or cumbersome to understand. As a result, they forget them as soon as they have dreamt. But people have dreamt and risen into palaces as rulers while others have also dreamt and gone to the grave, all in fulfillment of what happened in the hour of the night. Dreams tell you what is going on in your spiritual realm. This is because when you are dreaming the actual truth is: your spirit man is in action. That is why you cannot afford to ignore your dreams. If you do so, it is to your own peril.

Let me give you some examples of world known people who dreamt and had their dreams impact on their own destinies as well as the destinies of others. Joseph the earthly father of Jesus dreamt and from what God spoke to him he went ahead and took Mary as his wife. If he had refused to do it, Mary would have been stoned or would have had to run away, Jesus would also be without an earthly dad. He hearkened to God in the dream and of course the rest is history. If Joseph [son of Jacob] had not had the dream before his trials, he would have given up in the midst of it all. This dream strengthened him to eventually become PM of the most powerful nation of the time, Egypt. Polycarp, believed to be a direct disciple of John, had a dream about his coming death; in AD 155, at the age of 86, he was martyred, just as he had seen in the dream.

Others who had their destinies transformed by dreams were: Jerome, who had a dream in which the Lord appeared to him; he ended up being one of the Bible translators, translating the Bible into the Latin language. Christopher Columbus the great discoverer set out sail to discover the new worlds after he had a dream in which he was told, ‘God will give you the keys to the gates of the ocean which are closed with strong chains’. Dmitry Mendeleyev who discovered the periodic table that resulted in the birth of modern Chemistry and Physics also had a dream revelation. Dr. Jonas Salk also discovered the Polio vaccine because he took his dreams seriously. Otto Loewi, the German physiologist, spent 17 years trying to come up with definitive proof that nerve impulses were transmitted chemically, and was finally struck by inspiration one night when he had a dream showing him how to carry out a key experiment using a frog's heart.  There are many others from the Word of God and also in contemporary time who have had great dream revelations as well. On two occasions of my encounters with the Lord Jesus He appeared to me through dreams and gave me directions concerning the future!

 Now, when God gives you a dream, He will most likely use symbols that you have encountered at one point in your life. He will not come through things you have never seen, but will use what you can relate to and also understand. As such it is normally within your power to know what was revealed to you. For example, when God revealed the future to Daniel, He did not show Him specifically what it would entail, but the concept of it was clear. We see this in his visions concerning the future kingdoms, going on up until the time Christ would return (Daniel 8, 11). God used symbols that Daniel could relate to in order that he may understand the message but today we know that He was seeing different things in symbolic language. The same things happened with much of what John the Revelator saw in his visions. Likewise with us, when God speaks to us He will often use symbols from what we can presently understand.

Sources of Dreams
Dreams may either come from you (i.e. your spirit man- see Ps. 4:4, 17:3 or, soul man-see Is. 29:8), from the Spirit of God (Job 33:14-17, 29), or from the kingdom of darkness (Deut. 13:1-3). First, when the dream comes from your soul, it will entail what is presently going on in your life, or [if you are in touch with them] you may also have dreams that show you what is presently happening to other people. When the dream comes from your spirit man, it will be more of a judgment-dream. Your spirit man will be showing you current weaknesses that are in your life and need to be adjusted. These are the kind of dreams that reveal to you the real you. You may count yourself very highly in your waking life, but when your spirit man will communicate to you via dreams, then it will depict to you how you really see yourself. These are not direct Holy Spirit dreams, but they can be taken to be indirect dreams from Him since every child of God is connected to the Spirit of God in the spirit realm.

Second, dreams which come from the Spirit of God are dreams which bring to you a message from God. They may be direct, or they may be symbolic. Direct as in you do not need to interpret anything, everything is as clear as you can see, and, symbolic as in everything is in symbols which will need to be interpreted before the dream can be properly understood. To understand symbolic dreams, you will need to either pray for the interpretation or connect to someone (usually prophetic) who has the gift of interpretation of dreams. Both Joseph and Daniel had this gift in their times and helped save many in their generations (see Genesis 41, 42 and Daniel 2). However, dreams from the Spirit may also be clearly understandable to you because He will draw from real life symbols known to you.  When the dream comes from the Spirit of God, though it may at times be terrifying, yet it will not leave you confused, instead it will draw you closer to God. The dream may have a bad beginning, but it will carry a good ending. These godly dreams will comfort you, direct you, strengthen you, and assure you.

Third are dreams which come from the kingdom of darkness. Such dreams will be projected to your spirit man by the enemy as to what he intends to create in your physical realm. Your spirit man may also know [by the Spirit of God] the kind of transactions the enemy is carrying out in your spiritual world. These dreams will always create confusion and bondage in your life. They are the kind of dream from which immediately you wake up from them you start noticing negative things happening. I do not mean that we should be fanatic about every dream, but everything must be taken in perspective. In the process of throwing out the bath water, do not throw away your baby too. Dreams which come from this evil kingdom will usually leave you without peace; they create a lot of terror and tension in your life. If you had the dream and it ends up in a bad way, then you will know that the enemy has visited you spiritually to bring evil into your life. The dreams from the enemy will always portray evil that Satan or his agents are planning over your life [or of another]. This kind of dreams must be acted on upon waking.

Beginning to Understand Dreams
Now, the moment you have the dream you have to know how to categorize it. Is it coming from your soul, or is it from your spirit? Or is it from the Spirit of God, or from the kingdom of darkness. Once you have done this [using the guidelines I have already given above], then you can begin to analyze it. Seek to understand what the dream entails in the light of the Holy Spirit. Pray about it and ask God for revelation. Look at the dream: is it a direct dream, or is it symbolic. When a dream is direct, you can tell all the characters in the dream and it carries a sense of realness or vividness to it. This kind has to be noted for exactly what is seen. When a dream is symbolic then you will see clear things from what you have encountered in your lifetime, but you will still not be able to understand it. An example is the dream from the Baker and the Butler in Joseph’s time (Gen. 40).

Once you have separated these two and have the understanding of the dream, then the next thing to consider is application. Do I need to do something about it? Do I need to pray about it? Is it bringing a good message or a bad one? Do I need to fast concerning the contents of this dream? Do I need to get in touch with someone and warn them concerning impending danger? What is my role to play in this dream? These are questions which you must ask yourself when seeking to find the application to your dream. Then you can begin to take action over it. If possible, it is always best to have a dream diary. This will ensure you not only remember the most important dreams that you receive, but also that you take action on very important visions that come to you in the night.

Now, for the rest of this discourse let me speak concerning the dream which either is coming from the Kingdom of God, or, from the kingdom of darkness. Yes, the Devil can and does attempt to make contact with the children of God. If he can do it physically, then he can also do it spiritually. The moment you have this kind of a dream [of these two categories], then you already have an indication of what is happening to you spiritually. That means that when you wake up, the content of your dreams should determine your next course of action. They should determine whether you pray to seal the night vision or you cancel and lift up spiritual warfare against it. Many people feel helpless of what they see in their dreams, but if one knows how to deal with them, then it can make all the difference between life and death.

Now, read with me from Mat 13:24He put out another parable to them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed darnel among the wheat and went his way. But when the blade had sprung up and had produced fruit, then the darnel also appeared. So the servants of the householder came and said to him, Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? Then where have the darnel come from? He said to them, An enemy has done this. The servants said to him, Then do you want us to go and gather them up?’
[Ok, darnel is weeds for all you who are asking yourselves what-ever that could be? LOL]

The moment people go to sleep, that is the time when the Devil goes into action: he operates under the power of darkness. This is why you should never enter your bed before praying to cover your life [more on this section in the book…]


If one is not born again, then that is almost a walkover for the Devil. The reason why the devil will be able to do certain things in the lives of children of God is because, even when many children of God dream that negative things are happening in their lives, they will do nothing about the dream. They will not renounce the dream, and they will not rebuke the Devil or the powers that they saw in their dream. As a result they end up suffering the consequences of inaction.

God says in His Word that He speaks to men in their dreams, yet they do not take note: as a result they are punished for their inaction. They were warned, yet they did nothing about it. See this verse: Job 33:14-18 ‘For God speaks once, yea, twice, but not one takes notice. In a dream, a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men; while they slumber on the bed; then He opens the ear of men and seals their teaching, so that He may turn man from his act, that He might hide pride from man. He keeps back his soul from the Pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.’ So the hour of the night is also time for God to take you into class and show you what you may be doing wrong in your life. Many are warned and taught by God, but stubbornness will not let them turn from the wrong cause. End result: punishment.

Luxurious Sleep
Beloved, many covenants and decisions are made against children of God in the hour of the night; which makes the night seasons to be very important to you. You cannot afford the luxury of continuous sleep throughout your night; just because doctors say you should have 8 hours of continuous sleep. You tell me: how will you sleep while your house is on fire? If indeed all is well, then to sleep may be okay, but when the enemy is messing with your spiritual world [via dreams] and your physical world and you are yet sleeping, then this is giving the Devil a walkover in your life. This is the reason why you must be vigilant. You must stay awake to determine your destiny; and by so saying I do not mean a life of no sleep at all, for then you will certainly not be productive in your daytime, but I speak of sparing some sleep time that you may devote it to prayer. See this verse: Eph. 5:14 ‘Therefore he says, "Awake, sleeping ones! And arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light."’ If with all the sleeping you have not been able to shoot down the Devil, and you know he has been harassing you, then I suggest that you change your strategy. Begin to pray more in the hour of the night.

Key Dream Symbols and their Interpretations
Before I give you different categories of dreams, let me share with you some constant things to note when it comes to dream interpretation. This particularly concerns dreams which come from the kingdom of darkness. Here they are:

You see yourself eating in the dream: this shows you that your life is being poisoned in the spirit realm. The worst in this kind of dream is where you find yourself feeding on flesh of any kind. Many sicknesses and covenants are injected in this manner, yet many may think they just fed on such a sumptuous meal.
You see snakes in your dream: these are indicative of witchcraft spirits on assignment against you. Black snakes: black witchcraft; white snakes: white witchcraft; red snakes: red witchcraft.
You appear weak in the dream: you are spiritually weakened.
You have lost teeth in the dream: foundational truths are being eliminated from you; you are compromising in a particular area of your life.
You are back to a past time or period of your life: this is the spirit of backwardness being introduced to you.
You are always sitting for exams: you are being programmed for a life of struggle and hardship. This will ensure that no matter what you do you are always behind the others.
You are always dreaming the same thing (recurrent dream): this will ensure you are stuck on the same spot. This is stagnation being programmed into your life.
Getting married to someone you do not know [or you know them but something tells you they are not the same one appearing in the dream]: this is wedding to spirit wife or husband.
This list is long but if you have dreamt and seen these things in your dreams, then it is time to lift up warfare against the enemy and command him to submit and let go of whatever area of your life he is oppressing. Prayer will change your story.


There probably are more dream categories than the ones I have listed here. I have only endeavored to provide some different categories of dreams which people will have in the hour of the night, and that according as I have come to understand them.

Defilement dreams
These are dreams that come to desecrate you so that God will not pay attention to you. No matter how hard you pray, because you have already been defiled in the spirit realm, you will find no audience before God. These are the kind of dreams in which you see yourself entering into covenants, or eating foods or taking drinks that defile the body. Food offered to idols will defile. Eating meat in the dream will defile you because you are being made to partake of what has been sacrificed. Taking blood in the dream is even worse, even if it belongs to animals. This shows you have been initiated into satanic covenants. Just one mistake in the dream and the favor of God is removed from your life. This is why one must repent of the sin committed in the dream world before coming to bring your petitions before God. If you pray without repenting of these dream sins, then those prayers simply will go unanswered. God does not look to sin, or sinners, or sinning saints. First remove the sin then you may come to the Lord. These kind of dreams will make heaven to go silent on you.

Sexual intercourse in the dream, whether with men or women on both sides defile; giving birth to babies in the dream defile, suckling babies in the dream defile; swimming or walking in dirty water in the dream defile; being raped in the dream defiles; being urinated on or having feces smeared on you in the dream defiles; marrying people whom you know you should not be getting married to in the dream defiles; wet dreams in men defiles; seeing yourself naked in the dream defiles; so does being initiated, participating in revelries with unknown people, partaking in burial rituals, being in graveyards, being spat on, getting pregnant in dreams, all of these defile; there are more on this list. The key is, if it you found it unnatural or evil if it happened in your physical life, then it should not be happening in your spiritual world. When you wake up from such, the first thing is to repent and to raise up warfare against the enemy.

Prophetic destiny dreams
These are the kind of dreams that speak to one concerning their destiny. But unknown to the dreamer, the dream will usually bring its own kind of trials. One will see a bright future and at once find themselves in the pit, then at Potiphar’s house and then in prison before they finally end up in the palace and see their dream manifested. Many give up along the way because the tests become very tough. These dreams will often be forgotten until the day they come to pass. Many times they reveal a great destiny for the dreamer and are often given to the very same person to whom the word will come to pass. This is to encourage them to persevere in the time of trials.

Instant manifestation dreams
There are people who dream and the next day the dream comes to pass. These are in the category of prophetic dreams but the dreamer may note that the dreams never take a long duration before manifesting in the physical. This means that such a dreamer must take their dreams very seriously. Failure to do so can lead to devastating consequences. If one dreams and sees a negative thing in the dream, then it is their responsibility to rise and cancel it immediately or else they will see it happen as soon as the next day. How to know one is this kind of dreamer? Easy, simply note the pattern.

Sources of evil dreams
One can open doors for the enemy to walk into their spirit realm and torment them through dreams. I have listed some of these open doors below for you to see:
Worry and anxiety: when you go to sleep when your mind is loaded with cares, you open up yourself to dream defilement. Eccle 5:3 says dreams come through a multitude of business (mental busyness). Crying a lot at night and all those negative thoughts are door openers to the enemy.

Vain imaginations in your heart. By simply thinking wrong things this invites the enemy to afflict one in the night season.

Fear. Your fears in the natural will move to the spirit realm and give the enemy access to afflict you.

[more on this section in the book…]
Generally, when you sleep and you have not taken care of door-openers for the enemy, then it will be quite easy for the enemy to afflict you through your dream life.
Sources of divine dreams
Prayer and fasting: when you are always calling to God and seeking Him, then He will also visit you in your dreams.

Studying the word of God: meditating on scripture is inviting God in your life to strengthen your spirit man, this when done before sleep will also allow God to speak to you.

Asking God to speak to you and reveal mysteries unto you through dreams and visions. This kind of prayers, when done from the heart and from a pure life, will be answered by God.

Living a pure life, rid of sin and of all that defiles: this will also activate divine activity in your dreams.

Divine covenants: these are agreements made with God in the course of one’s walk with Him.

The choice then is yours child of God: who would you have manifest to you in your dreams?

Steps to Defeating Dream Pollution
Now you may have discovered there is dream pollution in your life and your question may now be: what can I do to defeat this dream pollution from the kingdom of darkness?
1.      Repent of all filthiness.
2.      Renounce evil covenants you were either brought into or were set in place by your ancestors.
3.      Undergo complete deliverance.
4.      Watch your eyes, ears and tongue.
5.      Mortify the passions of your flesh.


If you have had any type of the dreams listed above, then you need to pray seriously. Even if you have not had those kind of dreams you still need to pray. I want you to rise with holy boldness and pray these 100 prayer points and God shall visit your life confirming what He showed you and also destroying what the enemy has been doing against you in the hour of the night.

If you are not born again, the first thing is to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. God does not fight battles for those who are not His children. If you are already born again, then you need to repent of all known sin in your life before you proceed with the prayers.
Verses to Confess Out Loud
Psa 91:5, 6  You shall not fear the terror by night; nor because of the arrow that flies by day; nor for the plague that walks in darkness, of the destruction laying waste at noonday.

Psa 121:6 The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.

Pick a good worship song and spend a few minutes worshipping the Lord. This will draw His presence to where you are. He will help you with the battle you are about to undertake.

The Prayer Points:

Ps: repeat any point you are led to repeat in your spirit and for as often as you are led to do so (e.g. 3 times, 7 times)
1.      O Lord forgive me for any sin in my life that is making me powerless in the dream, in Jesus name, AMEN.
2.      I supercharge my dream life with the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.
3.      I decree because the blood of Jesus is upon my life, I shall not be afraid of the terror that comes by night, in the name of Jesus, AMEN.
4.      I break the grip of every power that has been controlling my life through the dream, in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.
5.      Dream curses operating in my life, I nullify and break your power over me by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.


Shalom, and God bless you indeed. 


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