Saturday 6 September 2014




Themes: 21 Days of Glory

Take an hour (or at least 30 minutes) every day (preferably morning) to pray according to these themes. Let the Holy Spirit lead you as you pray. Just get in His presence and let Him to direct your prayers. For you who are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues, pray much in the spirit during all the days of the fast. If you are not filled yet, with the gift of speaking in tongues, ask God to fill you during this period.

Days 3-4

Your family: the salvation and deliverance of your family, the bondages in the members of your family (alcoholism, marital failure, drug problems, pride, rebellion, disunity…)



Deep Repentance and Renunciation Prayers

Worship for 5 minutes (minimum)
Prayer Repenting for Cessationism in the Body of Christ
In Order to break the stronghold of Cessationism, on behalf of ourselves and those who came before us, we repent of and renounce the following sins:
Old Testament time period:
• Adam and Eve’s desire to be like God and eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, believing God’s Word wasn’t true.
• For man’s building of the Tower of Babel, and man’s choice to create his own religious way to God, which the Tower represented.
• For the worship of the Golden Calf (Baal/Satan) while Moses was on the mountain receiving God’s commands.
• For mankind choosing to worship according to their own customs and will, rather than by obeying God’s commands and statutes.
• For the slow devaluation of the Word of the Lord, as evidenced by the loss of the written Word of God until its discovery in Josiah’s time.
• For the persecution and murder of the prophets of the Most High God, who moved in the miraculous, by those who claimed to worship God.
• For the Maccabean Jews’ acceptance that the dead minor prophets’ miracles were “more miraculous” than the prophetic words and miracles occurring in their time, and so they: Stopped expecting or believing that miracles or prophecy could be for them; turned from prophecy and relationship with God to allow only the study of the written Torah, and it’s interpretation; honored what they could control (studies) and devalued what they could not control; accepted the cessation of miracles and prophecy.
• For the monumental influence of Plato’s Dualistic world view which taught that the spiritual realm is superior to the natural and physical realm, which is inferior, worthless, and even evil.
• For the crucial effect Plato’s writings had on the course of Church History. His writings devalued the human body, which Jesus came to save and to heal, and denied any healing ministry.
Early Church time period:
• For Maximilla declaring “After me there will be no more prophecy to the end of the age.”
• For Victorian’s statement that “The mighty signs and wonders of the apostles overcame the unbelievers. After that, the faith was established, the charismata have ceased, and now the church is comforted by the interpreted scripture“.
• For Ambrosiaster’s teachings that only Apostles can perform miracles and miracles have therefore ceased.
• For the Unscriptural Teachings of John Chrysostom (347-407) saying that: Miracles are for those weak in faith; when True Religion took hold, miracles ceased; to suffer for Christ is much greater than to experience miraculous deliverance from that suffering; the sign greater than all signs is deliverance from sin, “therefore, we don’t need any other sign or miracle; if we choose Christian love as the best spiritual gift we shall have no need of signs.
• We repent for Jerome, while translating the Vulgate Bible , choosing to translate the Greek verb sozo, which means saved healed and delivered, as saved only, hiding the healing aspect of the verb.
• We repent for Augustine’s early teachings: that miracles do not need to continue, because they will weaken faith, and keep people from maturing; his many books devaluing the miraculous, which greatly impacted the reformers centuries later; his dependence on Plato’s philosophy, and not adhering only to the Word of God, and the Spirit of Truth; and, for the his teachings that changed the world view of the Church from a scriptural Warfare World View to a more passive Blueprint World View.
Middle Age time period:
• All influence into Christianity from Gnosticism, especially the teaching that our bodies are evil, and that Jesus did not die on the cross and provide forgiveness for our sins and healing for our diseases.
• For the influence of Plato’s Dualistic world view on the Gnostics, who then influenced the Church.
• For Gregory the Great, who said that miracles were necessary at first, but are no longer needed, thus further stifling ordinary believers from using their gifts.
• For Thomas Aquinas’s, statement that the only purpose for miracles was to serve as a visible sign, a testimony to guarantee the divine source and truth of Christian Doctrine, and that enough miracles had been done to prove faith once and for all.
• That the Church Fathers who failed to see the compassion and care of our Father in the healing of the sick, and His great mercy toward the afflicted.
• For the belief of the Church Fathers that: the Apostolic level of the miraculous could not and should not be approached or attempted any longer, as it has ceased; miracles are given out by merit. No one now is righteous enough ; miracles are not needed, they have been replaced by piety and the study of scripture.
• For each way these doctrines limited and grieved the Holy Spirit, throughout the centuries.
• That we have allowed the philosophies and vain deceits of Greece and Rome to influence our belief systems.
• That we have built the foundation of our beliefs on the tradition of the Church Fathers rather than on your Word.
• That we have based the doctrines and practices of the church on the traditions and cultures of the world, and not on Christ Jesus our Lord.
• That the restrictions on learning to read kept people from learning the truth.
• That as true faith and morality gradually declined in church leadership, the power to heal gradually declined as well, which led to the belief that normal persons who operated in the power to heal were accused of operating by the power of the devil.
Reformers and Reformation time period:
• That as the reformers searched for authority, they became more opposed to the supernatural.
• Their extreme concern for maintaining control, believing that this control was necessary in order to stay alive, consequently stifling the Holy Spirit’s moving, speaking, or leading.
• For the Protestant’s rejection, envy, and judgment of the miracles occurring in the Catholic Churches before, during, and after the Reformation, even accusing the Catholics of doing miracles by the Devil’s power.
• For the Protestant Movement’s unbelief and suspicion of the miraculous.
• Wherever the Reformers encouraged legalism, rather than heeding the Spirit of God, to interpret scripture.
• That they did not understand that God’s power flows through relationship with God, not through doctrine.
Age of Enlightenment time period:
• For the changes in belief, doctrine, and practice made during the age of Enlightenment /Reason, which were based on our human desire to be God.
• For the gradual change in the core of Protestantism from the Word of God to a human authority based in perception and reason. We exalted our minds, and devalued His Word.
• For the exaltation of scientific investigation, rather than the Logos and Rhema of the Living God which caused people to explain away miracles as part of the natural order. We repent for redefining miracles into explainable ordinary events.
• That the seminaries taught the pastors not to believe in miracles.
• For allowing skepticism and rationalism to train us that the laws of nature are unbreakable, even by the creator of the universe.
• For rationalism’s influence that revelation is not necessary in Christianity.
• For skepticism encouraging doubt in the church.
• For Dispensationalism
• For teaching that the miraculous ended with the death of the Twelve Apostles.
• For the suspicion and fear of emotion, enthusiasm, and experience that entered the Protestant Church during the 1700’s.
• For the book by Conyers Middleton, and his refusal to believe in the miraculous no matter what.
• For Thomas Reid’s desire to build a foundation of human philosophy instead of the true foundation which is Jesus Christ.
• For the Protestant Church in the USA for establishing Scottish Common Sense Philosophy in our churches and seminaries. In so doing we put ourselves and our minds in the place of God.
• Every way that the church accepted these attitudes, these philosophies, and put faith in human reason.
• Every way the church believed that by education, humanity could be changed for the better, rather than by the Word and Spirit of God.
• For the liberal, humanist, and modern secularist philosophies which crept into the church due to this belief in education and that relying on the Holy Spirit was not important.
• Regarding Benjamin B. Warfield, we ask forgiveness for: 1.His highly influential and prominent book Counterfeit Miracles, taught in US seminaries, which teaches, contrary to scripture, that the only purpose for miracles is to accredit the gospel, therefore all other miracles are counterfeit. 2 His denial that Spiritual Gifts and Miracles ARE the Gospel of the Kingdom. 3. That most US pastors were trained by his teachings. 4 Continuing Calvin’s teaching that Christians cannot have demons. 5. For his statement, “There is no true religion in the world… which is not Calvinistic.”
Present Day time Period:
• All present day Bible commentaries, handbooks, and teachings which state, agree with, or confirm the belief that miracles have ceased and are no longer available to us.
• All present day Bible commentaries, handbooks, and teachings which treat the miraculous or prophetic with suspicion, accusation, or devaluation.
• For the intense, ongoing verbal and written criticism of Spirit filled believers by Cessationist believers, and for the effect this verbal strife has had on the Body of Christ alive today.
• For every believer who did not know they were being taught lies when they were being taught Cessationism. Forgive us for not searching scripture for ourselves. Forgive us for passively accepting Cessationist teachings as truth.
We Declare that:
• Jesus Christ is the only true foundation for the church, her beliefs and practices, and her life.
• In Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and we are complete in Him, who is the Head of all principality and power.
•Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
• We declare that He has not stopped working miracles on behalf of his people.
• We declare that the Kingdom of God is not of words, but of Power!
• We declare that every need we have has been provided by Jesus’ death and Resurrection, and this includes healing, deliverance, salvation, provision, protection, guidance, Sonship, and relationship with God the Father.
• We declare that By His Stripes we are healed of every infirmity and weakness.
• We declare that He created us to walk in the fullness of all that He is.
• We declare that He will not withhold any good thing from us, and that we sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
• We declare that His Spirit lives in us, who believe in Jesus Christ the Savior, and this Spirit pours life and health into our beings.
• We declare that Jesus was sent to destroy the works of the Devil, including sickness, sin, poverty, and death.
• We declare that Jesus Christ is the only Light, Truth, and Life, in Him are we fully and abundantly equipped, functioning, and made whole.
• We declare that God will move in our lives, and we will keep our confidence in Him.

Lord, I ask You to build Your godly structure in my life, family, and ministry built upon love, faith and hope, and to tear down ungodly structures built on selfishness, pride, and selfish ambition.
Lord, I repent and renounce for myself and my ancestors for building ungodly structures based on man’s agenda, pride, honor, fame, self centeredness, greed, rebellion, and worship of self instead of worshiping the One True God.
Lord, I repent and renounce for myself and my ancestors for not receiving the words of God, desiring to know You, and building upon the rock of God, but instead, building upon the foolishness of man and the sand which does not stand.
I repent for myself and my ancestors for not receiving Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God enabling us to build a righteous structure that would prevail against the attacks of hell and the winds of destruction. Lord, I repent for myself and my ancestors for rejecting You, Lord Jesus, the chief cornerstone, precious, and chosen by God, and allowing You to become a stumbling block and rock of offense.
Lord, bring the Living Stones into alignment with You, the chief cornerstone, Lord Jesus. Align me to Your sound and Your frequency, that I may vibrate and resonate with You Lord Jesus.
Lord, remove all ungodly grids from my mind and brain causing division and double mindedness. Remove all that has shut down connections between the right and left side of my brain. Release my mind and brain from ungodly dimensional places, heights and depths. Take away double mindedness and all that would keep me from worshiping You single mindedly.
Lord, remove all ungodly grids from my heart and soul causing division. Remove anything from the heart chambers, and quadrants that would keep life from flowing in and out of the quadrants freely. Release my heart and emotions from all ungodly dimensional places, heights and depths, and remove all division of my heart, that I may love you wholeheartedly with single focus.
Lord, I repent and renounce for myself and my ancestors for losing our first love for You, and allowing the lampstands to be taken to build the enemy’s kingdom. Lord, restore first love, and release the stolen lampstands taken from individuals, families, ministries, and churches. Lord shine Your light again.
I repent for myself and my ancestors for building on self-effort, might, and power instead of building on the Spirit of God. I ask You Lord to remove the mountains of resistance to building Your foundation, and I ask that the capstone be laid through Your grace and mercy. Lord, I declare that You are my Refuge and Strength. Lord, build Your houses of refuge and safety for Your people.
Lord, release the cleansing whirlwind of Your Holy Spirit to cleanse the contamination off the elements of my being and my DNA and RNA, and restore all that is missing. I ask that my temple be aligned to the plume line of Your Holy Temple, and that my DNA and RNA be cleansed by the blood of Jesus and joined to the DNA / RNA of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Integrate my DNA / RNA with the Trinity and into the godly Living Stone that You have ordained for me. As a Living Stone, I desire to build Your Spiritual House, and to be part of Your holy priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to You through Christ Jesus.
Lord, I repent and renounce for myself and my ancestors for building an ungodly trading floor, an ungodly grid, and trading the future generation’s benefits for instant gratification. On behalf of my ancestors and myself, I repent and renounce for engaging in trade with a network of ungodly deities from Babylon, Egypt, and the Philistines. I break all oaths, covenants and agreements made with ungodly principalities, spirits kings, and thrones such as Queen of Heaven, Baal, Ra, Artemis, Nimrod, Babylon, Tyre , Jezebel , Athelia , Delilah , Apollyon , Leviathan , and Cain . Lord would you topple the ungodly thrones, and exchange the ungodly trading floor with Your godly trading floor? Lord I ask for a seven-fold return of what has been lost, stolen, and given away in my generational line. I pray for the New Jerusalem to be built on foundations of righteousness and justice.
Lord, remove all ungodly grids, foundations, and thrones built on the ungodly foundations causing disunity and separation from You. Lord, break all ungodly connections between me and ungodly thrones, grids, networks, guardians, dimensional places, beings, demons, entities, tormentors and voices, and remove all traps, snares, and lassos that would try to reconnect me. I break and renounce all covenants and agreements that my ancestors and I made with ungodly world dominions, rulers, systems, and beliefs, and I ask you to disconnect me from them.
Lord, connect me to Your godly firmament, expanse, foundation of Your throne, the Crystal Sea. Release your white stone bringing clarity in perception and prayer for the nations. Release Your light connecting me to You and Your light source. Rightly align the body of Christ together in unity, connecting the Living Stones, the cubes, with righteousness and justice building Your New Foundation, the New Jerusalem.
Lord, release the whirlwind of Your Spirit, and Your horses to prepare for the building of the godly foundation, the New Jerusalem. Lord, connect me to Your righteous foundation, Your godly firmament, the crystal sea, Your throne, and Your godly network.
Lord release the gifts of the spirit to equip me and connect me to You and the body of Christ in unity of faith, maturity, fullness of Christ, joined and knit together, each doing our share, edifying one another in love. Lord, may each of Your Living Stones shine with Your light, glory, uniqueness, creativity, and be released in the flow of Your symphonic harmony, radiating Your light, wisdom, joy, peace and love to a lost and dying world.

I exercise my position in Christ and I break all agreements with laws, codes and regulations made with the ungodly sons of god in all realms, dimensions, and depths.
I exercise my position in Christ and I break all agreements, covenants and contracts with rebellion that were embedded in those codes, acts, regulations and laws.
I exercise my position in Christ and I cancel the agreement that my ancestors made that gave the enemy the right to make demands on future generations, especially for the purpose of serving darkness and eliminating the light, life and love of Jesus Christ.
I exercise my position in Christ and I cancel the written code with all its regulations that were against me and stood opposed to me and I declare that they were nailed to the cross and that Christ has triumphed over the enemy to the intent that He might expose the rulers and principalities and powers to His amazing grace and power.
Lord Jesus I ask that you reformat our spiritual DNA and RNA, our physical DNA and RNA and soul DNA and RNA and that you will do a reinstall of the nature and mind of Christ and restore our original design.
Lord, please disconnect me from any ungodly control over the physical elements in my body and rightly connect me to the physical laws you have established for me.
I exercise my position in Christ and cancel all agreement with all laws and constitutions that were made so that ungodly spiritual stars could have authority.
I repent for my generational line that entered into ungodly governments by writing, endorsing unrighteous laws and governments that established laws that attempt to redefine what life was, is and will be. Lord we declare you are the only creator.
We renounce and repent for all human laws that intended to change times and seasons that gave the enemy permission and access to change times and seasons. We renounce and repent for all laws that gave the enemy the right to redefine life.
We repent for the Supreme Court of the US that made laws that redefined life and for any unjust laws that violated the Laws of Almighty God. I renounce and repent for any of my ancestors in my generational line that were involved in any superior courts decisions that made agreement with evil in order to change the laws and rules of heaven and earth.
I renounce and repent for my family line who initiated new laws and by line upon line, precept upon precept added layer upon layer of evil laws and practices. Lord please destroy that system and remove any portion of my spirit or soul that have been trapped in these layers.
I renounce and repent for anyone in my generational line who traded future generations for their own protection, power, knowledge and wealth and entered into ungodly dimensions to make agreements with fallen sons of god and the fallen stars. Lord please break curses off future generations and restore their original purpose and design.
Lord please remove the ungodly turban, all the blasphemous writings, the ungodly ephod, all ungodly priestly garments, ungodly prayers, declarations and rituals.
Lord Jesus I repent for all of my ancestors that refused to draw close to the thunder and lightning of the Living God and refrained from entering the holy fear of the Lord. I repent for all those in my generational line who forsook the Lord and who built their own cisterns choosing mediators of priests and kings rather than intimacy with the Lord.
I declare that I give up the kingdoms of this world for the kingdoms of my Christ. Lord extract any parts of my spirit out of any ungodly star systems, constellations, and zodiacs out of outer darkness, out of utter darkness and pull me out of any black holes.
I declare that I will be seated in heavenly places with Christ and my enemies will become my footstool and I will rule and reign with Christ, and He will be my God and my Lord. I will not give up my position of ruling and reigning with Christ to the enemy. I will not give up any kingdom, any dimension, any place in time, any place in earth under the earth or above the earth that the Lord has given to me as my sphere of influence.
Lord please remove the bronze gates and iron bars over my sphere of influence and I say lift up your heads oh you gates that the King of Glory will come in. Lord please make the crooked places straight and Lord open every door that should be opened and close every door that should be closed so that the gates will never be shut again.
Lord please rightly connect my sphere of influence over the multidimensional worlds that you have given to me, to the other spheres of influence and Lord allow your power to flow in unity through those spheres.
I declare the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever! We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty, the One Who is and Who was and Who is to come because You have taken Your great power and reigned.
I declare that salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused us before our God day and night, has been cast down. I declare that we have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony, and that we do not love our lives to the death.
I take my position in Christ and I declare before all the universes, realms and all spiritual beings that I reject the ungodly codes and regulations that have been written on my DNA and RNA that contain ungodly precepts, laws, rules, writings, decisions, agreements, contracts, covenants and agree with the decision in the throne room of heaven that they be expelled from my body.
I now reject any past claims that my generational line made to these codes and regulations and I appropriate the blood of Jesus Christ over those codes and regulations and I exchange those codes and regulations for my life in Christ. I choose my rightful inheritance for my life in Christ and my position as a son and heir of my Heavenly Father.
I declare that I am seated with Christ in Heavenly places and I will choose to live my life according the blueprints of love that He has written for me before the foundation of the earth.
I declare that I come into alignment with Your Kairos time, Father, and I reject Saturn and Kronos time. Lord, I ask if I have been compressed back in time or put in the wrong time line, I agree and declare that I will be in the right time line and ask that I be released from any imprisonment so that I am established in the correct time. I demand that I be released as I am under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and not under any other gods or goddesses.
I declare that I am not bound by the speed of light but am only bound by the laws of the Kingdom of God.
I declare and agree that I am released to operate in unity with those heavenly laws that are under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and those Kingdoms now belong to HIM.
O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with all who love him and obey his commands, we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled. We have turned away from your commands and laws. We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes and our fathers. The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him. We have not obeyed the Lord our God or kept the laws he gave us through his servants the prophets. Lord please break the effects of the curses, iniquities, and sworn judgments written in the law of Moses that have been poured out on us and our generational line because we have sinned against you.
Lord, please change all evil addresses that have been installed in the seven eyes of the Lord and please restore them to the original locations that the Almighty God chooses.




Confession these verses out loud before starting the prayers daily:

1Co 2:9-11-13  But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him"— these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit. For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
Jer 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.
Daniel 2:22: “He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

DAY 1-7:

Take 15-30 minutes and ask these every night, before going to bed.
Explore and expand every question before moving on to the next i.e. make a conversation before God about it. One question can take you up to 5 minutes before God. Do not be in a rush to move on to the next question.
Note down the dreams you have the night after praying.
When a question has been answered, remove it from the list.
Share what you feel led to share on the MY 2014 MUST SHINE Facebook group page, or via the e-mail
1.       Lord, who am I and what is my destiny here on earth?
2.       Lord, where are my blessings?
3.       Lord, who are my divine helpers?
4.       Lord, where am I going wrong and displeasing you in life?
5.       Lord, what is stopping me from reaching my destiny?
6.       Lord show me who my  true friends are.
7.       Lord, show me the vehicle I need to use to get to my destiny.
8.       Lord, show me what is stopping me from getting to the next level of knowing You.
9.       Lord, show me all ignorant, hidden and presumptuous sins in my life.
10.   Lord show me the lies I have believed in my lifetime.
11.   Lord, show me the secrets my enemies are using to fight me with.
12.   Lord, show me the secret behind the evil powers of my father’s and mother’s house.
13.   Lord, show me the gift and talents you have put in my life.
14.   Lord, show me where I am wrongly positioned in life.
15.   Lord, show me the secrets I need to know about my father’s and mother’s lineage.




1.       Everyone who has with slept with me in the same bed and stole my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2.       Everyone who shook my hands and stole my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
3.       Everyone who wore my clothes, shoes and ornaments and stole my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
4.       Everyone who has lived with me and worked with me in the same place and stole my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
5.       Everyone who has touched my documents, visas, passports, pay-slips, bank statements and certificates and stole my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
6.       Anyone who has any one of my pictures and is using them to steal my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
7.       Everyone who has employed me and been my supervisor and stole my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
8.       Everyone who has ministered to me medically, herbally and spiritually and stole my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
9.       Every salonist barber and beautician who has touched my head, hair and body and stole my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
10.   Everyone who has visited the witch, wizard, sorcerer and diviner and stole my virtues, I recover them from you today by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
11.   Every power that stole my virtues and stored them in a marine warehouse, I arrest you by fire, , restore what u have stolen back to me, seven-fold, in the name of Jesus Christ.
12.   Every hunter of my star, health, and blessings; be disappointed and die by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
13.   You the stubborn pursuer of my health, fall down and die right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
14.   Evil powers anchoring my head to evil places, I am not your candidate, release me by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
15.   Archangels of the living God, pursue all unrepentant evil workers in my life and destroy them with an everlasting destruction, in the name of Jesus Christ.
16.   Evil men and women busy programming tragedies into my life, I reject your load, carry your own load, in the name of Jesus Christ.
17.   O archangels of the living God, locate every stubborn pursuers of my life and destiny and cut them down, in the name of Jesus Christ.
18.   Evil preparations made against me; backfire by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
19.   You the dead area of my blessings, receive resurrection power right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
20.   Let the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus come upon the works of my hands right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
21.   God, arise and bless me to a dumbfounding degree, in the name of Jesus Christ.
22.   Lord, enlarge my coast on every side, in the name of Jesus Christ.
23.   You the satanic embargo released against my progress, fall down and scatter, in the name of Jesus Christ.
24.   Blood of Jesus, arise and erase every satanic line of limitation drawn around my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.
25.   O mighty hand of the living God, rest upon my life for good, in the name of Jesus Christ.


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